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Center for Physiotherapy in District 11

Manual Therapy

This method is an efficient way to treat all joints, muscles and nerves in the extremities (legs and arms) and the spinal column. A basic distinction is made in manual therapy between joints that are to be mobilized, centered or stabilized. The corresponding joint and the associated muscles or nerves are therefore mobilized, centered or stabilized depending on the physiotherapeutic findings.

In our practice we follow the Maitland Concept as well as Analytical Biomechanics according to Sohier (ABS).

The range of conditions we treat includes arthrosis and intervertebral disk disease, blocked joints and inflammations of the nerves (e.g. ischia) as well as headaches and injuries to muscles and fasciae.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are spots in muscles that can cause points of pain and/or radiating pain. They occur due to acute or chronic overexertion of the muscle, hyperextension of the fasciae or exposure to cold. The trigger point therapy promotes circulation in the affected spots, leading to a rapid and noticeable reduction in pain.

Dry needling is an alternative trigger point therapy. It is less painful but involves acupuncture needles.

Medical Massage

A massage reduces muscle tension to normal levels and improves the condition of muscular and connective tissue. This treatment promotes circulation while also releasing patterns of tension and adhesions (knots) in tissue. In addition, a massage affects internal organs via the neural reflex arc and alleviates pain as well as normalizing and stabilizing the vegetative nervous system.

A massage is a highly efficient way to treat back pain, arthrosis and rheumatic conditions and promotes regeneration after accidents or operations. It even promotes the scar healing process. Moreover, a medical massage has a positive effect on psychic and psychosomatic conditions and on general states of stress.

8052 ZürichT 044 300 66 00

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